Beginner Meditation Practice Made Easier


If you haven’t noticed lately, there are a huge amount of resources available for learning various mindfulness practices, including meditation. The upside to that is that there is a variety of methods offered and people can pick and choose what works best for themselves. The downside is just that, the different techniques and variations on the theme can feel overwhelming, especially to the beginning practitioner.

Less is more

Starting something new can be challenging. And meditation is no exception. While quite a simplistic process, meditation can easily turn into a self-bashing session within seconds. Why? Because we humans think a lot! And meditation makes it quite obvious how distracted and occupied we are with our thoughts all the time. While meditation is meant to help us with quieting the mind, for beginners the volume gets turned on high and it can feel hugely defeating.

When I’m introducing a client to meditation for the first time, my number one goal is to make everything as simple and as comfortable as possible, so that it doesn’t feel too overwhelming. I'm hoping that she will be inspired enough to give it a good try and establish a regular practice. This means that I don’t ask for too much of a commitment of time early on.

Often longtime meditators will suggest 10 minutes as a starting point. In my opinion, that can be the kiss of death for a budding meditator.  For a newbie, this can feel like 10 hours! It’s worse that meditation seems so simple from the outside. It can be a set-up for frustration, self-shaming and wanting to give up, concluding, "It's not for me" or “I’m just not good at this” when that couldn't be further from the truth.

Instead, I offer a 5-minute or less commitment daily. This way the expectations are low to start with and the client is not bound to a specific time that feels unattainable. This allows more for the possibility of having an enjoyable experience that leads to successes, rather than perceived failures.

A few other helpful tips that will help you with your "less is more" approach:

1.    If you start small, make that small meditation into a daily habit. While a short and small meditation session starting point makes it easier to grow your sessions longer and longer, doing it every day makes you more likely to stick with it. Even if it feels hard at first, meditating daily makes it more likely to become a habit that sticks. This is because you are changing neural pathways, which takes time and commitment.

2.    Use a timer to track your sessions, especially if you feel that you will be distracted by keeping track of time with a clock or watch.

3.    When beginning your practice, meditate in the same setting and at the same time every day. Meditating in the same context each and every day will make it more likely to be a good habit that takes hold. Choose a time of day when you’re not tired.

4.    When you decide to increase your meditation time, make those increases small – up to 5 minutes per increment. Small increases operate on the same principle of small starts: not overwhelming yourself. If you find that you’re struggling with the increase after a few sessions, feel free to reduce the time.

5.    Lastly, make your meditating space comfortable and desirable. Have cozy blankets that you can wrap around you. Candles, soft lighting and sacred objects can help bring a special ambiance to your space that will allow you to come back again and again.

So, if you've never done it before, try it with me now. Find a quiet place to sit comfortably, with your back upright, and using either a timer or a guided meditation, focus on your breath. Try it. You just might get hooked.

-Tanya Vallianos

Tanya Vallianos, MA, LPC, ATR, NCC, EMDR III, EAP II is a psychotherapist in private practice in Fort Collins, CO. She offers free guided meditations on her website,

In Our Digital Era, Can Horses Help Us Create Deeper Social Connections?


As humans we are hardwired to be social beings. We cannot survive without contact and connection to other members of our species. Without real human contact we simply cannot develop, and evolve in the way nature intended.

Research conducted by Matthew Lieberman at UCLA in his first book, "Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect”, shows that being social and connecting with others is as fundamental a human need as food, shelter, and water. For example, Lieberman discovered that we feel social pain, such as the loss of a relationship, in the same part of the brain that we feel physical pain. The importance of social connection is so strong, he writes, that when we are rejected or experience other social "pain," our brains "hurt" in the same way they do when we feel physical pain. That is why we are profoundly shaped by our social environment and that we suffer greatly when our social bonds are threatened or severed. 

One landmark study, “Social Relationships and Health”, by House, Landis, & Umberson, published in Science, showed that lack of social connection is a greater detriment to health than obesity, smoking and high blood pressure. Research by Steve Cole, Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences in the UCLA School of Medicine, shows that genes impacted by loneliness also code for immune function and inflammation.

We live in a world in which more people are connected than ever before through social media. Yet despite that connection, there is still a fundamental disconnect between people - the most basic type of communication, human face-to- face interaction, is becoming less and less frequent. In a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, 54 percent of those surveyed said they text their friends at least once a day, while only 33% said they talk face-to-face with their friends on a consistent basis.

We are sacrificing the experiences and understanding of real world interactions that are necessary in our development for a mere connection that at best is superficial. Social media forces upon us a feeling of intimacy and closeness that doesn’t actually exist. Online relationships provide opportunities for less risky interactions that also require less giving of oneself. An online interaction does not require that we compromise our needs or delay gratification because friends are always available on Facebook, and when we’re finished with them, we simply click off. Choosing this one-dimensional interpersonal relationship potentially reduces online friends into self-objects that only feed the user. Concern for the other is not required.

In Alone Together-Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other, Psychologist Sherry Turkle shows us how social media has brought forth a drastic change in how we treat relationships, and for the worst. And in a study of roughly 300 people by the Salford Business School they found that these social networks are exacerbating negative emotions. The surveyors found that if you are predisposed to anxiety it seems that the pressures from technology, create even more insecurity and more feelings of being overwhelmed.

This corroborates the idea that social media cannot be used to replace the interactions that take place in the real world. It may seem that these digital interactions are satisfactory on the surface, but deep within us, within our neurology, we cannot escape the truth that these digital connections are not enough.

Emma Seppala is Science Director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University and Co-Director of the Yale College Emotional Intelligence Project at Yale University. And states that, “A sense of connection is internal.” Researchers agree that the benefits of connection are actually linked to our subjective sense of connection. In other words, if you feel connected to others on the inside, you reap the benefits thereof. One way that we can re-learn this ability to formulate deeper connections is with the help of horses.

Horses Know How to Establish Deep Bonding and Reciprocal Relationships

Horses have a rich history in their relationship with humans. Across different cultures and eras they have been utilized for work, show, cultural rituals, companionship, and continue to serve in many of these roles today. With the popularity of Equine-Assisted Therapy/Coaching programs within the past few years, there’s been a genuine interest in equine behavior in relationship to humans.

Like humans, horses are highly social animals, with defined roles within their herds. They have distinct personalities, attitudes, and moods. They form friendships and are protective of each other. They are tuned into the environment and other horse emotions, due to the fact that they are prey animals and are always watchful.

Social interactions between horses are how horses develop their bonds. They are able to create respectful social behavior, relationships, and harmonious communications with one another. This is accomplished through food sharing, bathing together, playing activities, mutual grooming and learning how to fit in with the social structure of the herd at large. It is similar to the way people learn how to connect and communicate with one another.

Horses communicate almost entirely through body language. Humans are primarily verbal. If a human has an interest in a true bond with the horse, then silence becomes one’s best approach. Low nickering, cooing and quietude are the staples of a horse's life.  Thus, we can connect at their level by creating similar sounds and movements and being present with them as they are. These are empathic responses for deeper bonding.

In bonded horse and human relationships there is appreciation, the capacity to forgive, camaraderie and the desire to behave cooperatively, and an open corridor of honest communication that transcends the limits of speech and sign language. To be part of this kind of relationship with a horse requires effort and a good deal of learned and developed skills on the part of the human. The horse and human are partners, each recognizing the other's skills and abilities. They are also painfully honest and hold people responsible for their behaviors.

Hence, horses provide vast opportunities for metaphorical learning for humans, since they are able to acutely pick up on thought-forms and emotions and then mirror them back through their body language, behavior, and mood. This ability of horses to be blatantly perceptive and honest, makes them especially powerful guides.

For humans who struggle with social interactions, working with a horse gives them much-needed practice. For many, it can be easier to create a healthy, successful relationship with a horse, than it can be with most people. Through interaction with horses, we can learn to know ourselves better. Calm, peaceful and confident or agitated, distracted and fearful will be their response depending on which we bring to them. This is all done in the moment, on the spot, when it’s happening. We begin to learn their language, and how to have authentic relationship. We can discover that some of the basic needs and concerns of horses are the same as ours. This gives us a different perspective for dealing with these issues in our own lives. And begin to develop or improve, self-confidence, trust and self-respect.

With their giving, kind and unconditional nature, we can reawaken and remember our connection with all life. We are able to re-establish our giving, compassionate nature, and receive the greater benefits that this wisdom brings.

-Tanya Vallianos

Tanya Vallianos, MA, LPC, ATR, NCC, EMDR III, EAP II is a psychotherapist in private practice. She offers bonding experiences with horses in Fort Collins, CO. 970-420-9504

Animal Wise Guides: Modern Day Support For Challenging Times

For thousands of years cultures all over the world have been working with animal spirit guides and benefiting from their wisdom. This practice has mostly resided within the context of Shamanism, in which the practitioner reaches deeper states of consciousness in order to channel spiritually-based, healing influences in the service of another person or people. Yet, this practice still survives today, not only in Indigenous cultures, but also within the Modern Shamanism movement that is gaining ground throughout the world. This is especially true within Western society, which has become less connected to Nature since the arrival of the Industrial Age. As humans come to the realization that our beautiful Earth is in crisis and we are expressing more of a desire to be closer and connected to Nature and Spirituality, these old and wise ways of guidance and healing are starting to be recognized as having real value.

In the Shamanic world, everything is alive and connected. The Spirit of the Creator is in all things, therefore there is inherent virtue, power and wisdom that is all around us and within us at all times. Each thing on Earth and within the Universe has its own particular appearance, traits and other distinguishing qualities.  Everything then, is available to show us deeper information about ourselves as we can draw certain lessons from these traits and qualities from everything in the universe, whether object or being.  

Spirit Animals (Power and Totem animals are often used interchangeably.) represent a person's interconnection to all life, their qualities of character and their power, their inner self. Many humans have developed strong attractions and relationships to physical animals, but are unaware that there is a whole spirit animal realm that is open to having deep connections with us. These spirit guides come in all shapes, sizes, characteristics and frequencies, bringing something special to each encounter. The animal spirit you meet today is usually a reflection of your deepest Self and also represents qualities in which you need to fully embody in this world, but that have often remained hidden or obscured. Guides often show up when there are current challenges or a life situation that needs attention and support showing us the way on our sacred journey.

Usually we have one or more prominent animal spirit guides (Life Animal Guide) throughout our lives showing up when we need them most. We are also blessed to have many animal spirits that show up as Helper Guides that come and go, depending on what we are of need of on our life-path in the moment. Guides are called forth by our emotions, so that they may help us at the deepest levels of our being.

It’s important to understand that we do not choose our Spirit Animal Guides. They choose us. They decide to whom they will reveal themselves to and make their friend.  For instance, you may have always been attracted to Eagle for it’s majesty, representation of freedom, power and beauty, and truly believe that it is a wonderful Guide for you. Yet in reality, this is not how Great Spirit works.

Each Animal has its own Medicine that is unique to that specific creature and is chosen by The Creator for your specific growth, learning, and healing. Spirit cannot be chosen like the color of your new car.  A spirit guide must be harmonious with the person. Discovering whom your Animal Guides are is a process of paying attention to the physical animals and signs along with the other-dimensional presences and signs that show up around you.  It is a process of developing your inner knowledge and spiritual understanding.  

Also we can not be assigned a Spirit Guide by another person, regardless of who that person maybe, no more than another person can say how or when Great Spirit will be known to you.  

Both domesticated and free animals offer an immense heritage of myth, folklore and symbolism. As we learn about our animals, it is important to know their symbolic meaning as a point of reference and comparison. Give time to the study of their characteristics, habitat and position in the eco-system, especially in the area in which you reside.  Learn about its habitat, life cycles, what it eats, physical characteristics, special skills and traits, social and mating habits.  Go to places where your animal guide can be found in real life. Study it in nature. Gaining insight into the nature of your animal guide will help you to better understand its messages, particularly the metaphor within everything it represents to you. Meditate on this knowledge and discover its power and medicine.

After you learn various ways to work with the medicine of your Animal Spirit Guide, the medicine becomes a gateway to connecting with other spirit guides found within its domain and yours. Your Animal Spirit Guide (and those spirits who choose to reveal themselves in the form of a physical animal) will teach you how to align with other spirit guides and beings.

Communication with your Spirit Guide requires reverent respect and knowledge of the ways of the animal guide. You can find ways to honor your Spirit Guide in order to develop a relationship with it. The more importance you give to your spirit guide the more it will respond to you. Again, this can only be done through actual time, learning about each animal and prioritizing your connection. Most Animal Spirit Guides do not immediately acknowledge themselves to humans, as they are careful of your intention and knowledge. A Spirit Guide is sensitive to moods, current events, and a person’s path in life. They must first trust you and learn your personality, life situation, and needs. You must learn to trust them and understand their personality, characteristics, and needs, as you would with any new friend. It is a reciprocal relationship. It takes time, patience, support, commitment, and practice.

-Tanya Vallianos

Tanya Vallianos, MA, LPC, ATR, NCC, EMDR III, EAP II is a psychotherapist in private practice. She offers Journeying experiences to connect clients to their Animal Wise Guides and other Nature-Inspired practices in Fort Collins, CO. 970-420-9504

The Gut-Brain Connection

The expressions, "gut-wrenching", "sick to my stomach", “gut reaction", “butterflies in stomach" are all commonly used in our culture for good reason. Simply, the gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to all emotion. Whether it’s anger, anxiety, sadness, excitement, or irritation; all of these feelings can trigger physical symptoms in the gut. Many times people describe it as a feeling of heaviness, tension, tightness, knotted or fluttering.

This Gut-Brain connection is bi-directional. A tense or stressed intestine sends signals to the brain, and visa verse, an overwhelmed brain sends signals to the gut. Hence, a person's stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of anxiety, stress, or depression. That's because the brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system are intimately connected.

In recent years, neuroscientists have come to understand more clearly the powerful links between the human brain and gut bacteria. The vast variety of gut flora seems to have a major impact on our emotions and state of mind. The brain acts on gastrointestinal and immune functions that help to shape the gut's microbial makeup, and gut microbes make neuroactive biochemical compounds that also act on the brain. These complex interactions could occur in various ways: microbial compounds communicate via the vagus nerve, which connects the brain and the digestive tract, and microbially derived metabolites interact with the immune system, which maintains its own communication with the brain. With this information, scientists have been conducting studies with both probiotics and prebiotics to understand the effects on mood, particularly with anxiety and depression.

Researchers at Oxford University found that supplements designed to boost healthy bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract (“prebiotics”) may have an anti-anxiety effect insofar as they alter the way that people process emotional information. While probiotics consist of strains of good bacteria, prebiotics are carbohydrates that act as nourishment for those bacteria.

The results of one of the tests revealed that subjects who had taken the prebiotic paid less attention to negative information and more attention to positive information, compared to the placebo group, suggesting that the prebiotic group had less anxiety when confronted with negative stimuli. This effect is similar to that which has been observed among individuals who have taken antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication.

The researchers also found that the subjects who took the prebiotics had lower levels of cortisol — a stress hormone that has been linked with anxiety and depression — in their saliva when they woke up in the morning.

Mayer and his colleagues at UCLA uncovered the first evidence that probiotics ingested in food can be effective in reducing anxiety. The researchers gave healthy women yogurt twice a day for a month. Post-trial numbers indicated altered brain function in both a resting state and when performing an emotion-recognition task.

Stephen Collins, a gastroenterology researcher at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, has found that two strains of bacteria, lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, reduce anxiety-like behavior in mice. And John Cryan, a neuroscientist at the University College of Cork in Ireland, has examined the effects of both of bifidobacterium microflora on depression in animals. In a 2010 paper published in Neuroscience, he gave mice either bifidobacterium or the antidepressant Lexapro; he then subjected them to a series of stressful situations, including a test which measured how long they continued to swim in a tank of water with no way out. After a short period of time, the mice were recovered and tested. It was found that the microbe and the drug were both effective at increasing the animals’ perseverance, and reducing levels of hormones linked to stress.

As scientists learn more about how the gut-brain microbial-neural network operates, there is great hope for a new frontier in treating psychiatric disorders, just as Prozac and other psychotropic medication is used today. The difference is that this method would be a natural alternative for eliminating the distressing and uncomfortable side-affects of these current medications. And most importantly, this method of treatment would address the causal factors that could lead to a “cure”, rather than just a reduction of symptoms that are seen in present day treatments.

-Tanya Vallianos

Tanya Vallianos, MA, LPC, ATR, NCC, EMDR III, EAP II is a psychotherapist in private practice in Fort Collins, CO. With a background in Naturopathic Medicine, she works from a holistic and integrated model that she believes is most helpful to her clients health and well-being. 970-420-9504

Chakras - Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World

The chakra system is a model for the flow of energy that runs through all life and through the human energy system. It is like a ladder that takes us from the physical realm of substance up through the workings of the higher mind and spirit, and into the realm of Divine Consciousness. Within the human and animal bodies these vortices exist within what is called the subtle body – a hidden field of energy that holds ones urges, emotions, habits and the imprints of all that has happened to that being.

The Hindu seers of ancient India perceived these vortices and described them in the Vedas around 3000 BC. These seers saw seven main charkas (or wheels) along the midline of the body in the front of the spinal column and found that they seemed to mirror ones physical health, emotional stability, mental clarity and spiritual state. This manner of comprehending energy is based on the ancient knowledge that all life is energetic and spiritual in origin and that man, earth and the cosmos are connected. Each chakra, or energy center, is linked to an element. The earth element, for instance, is associated with the first chakra, or Root Chakra. This chakra sits at the base of the spine and conducts energy into the hips, legs, and feet. Through the Root chakra we are anchored physically in our bodies and supplied with the life force we need to maintain and support our lives.

Each chakra corresponds with many different qualities and substances. For instance, each chakra resonates with a color, a musical note (or vibration/sound), an endocrine gland, a sense (smell, sight, etc.) organs of the body or body systems and an emotion. There are also certain affinities to each chakra with specific crystals, gemstones, and even plants. For instance, the Root Chakra is red in color and has a very dense vibration - thus why it is experienced as a grounding energy. It affects our ability to be present in our body and produces the vitality that we need for survival. Emotionally, it is connected to fear, self worth, a sense of belonging and basic survival instincts. The endocrine glands that are affected by these emotions-energetic disturbances are the adrenal glands. Physical disturbances of the Root Chakra can entail gastric upset or dis-ease, problems with joints, back and bones (support) and weight issues or eating disorders.

         The Importance of Working Through Energetic Imbalances

Our charkas are the repositories of our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes about life. If we have narrow ideas about life and limit our existence, then our energy field will be small and narrow. Without the adequate amounts of vital energy, we fall into physical and psychological imbalance. Chronic shortages of energy can lead to illness.

The charkas form a well-organized system that keeps the life force directed, economical and fluid. When something happens to impede the flow of life energy, the charkas slow down activity, and energy becomes sluggish and even stagnant. If this situation is temporary, the energy resumes its natural flow. If the situation continues for some time, the charkas need stimulation to become active again. Essentially, our health and well being depend on active charkas.

Today, in a highly stressful world we are in need of understanding the ancient knowledge about energy and how it works. It strives to empower people to make optimal choices for health, connectedness, and love. It also teaches us that we are more than just a physical body: we are a complete energy system that unites all levels of being into an energetic totality. What we think and feel influences every cell in our body.

-Tanya Vallianos

Tanya Vallianos, MA, LPC, ATR, NCC, EMDR III, EAP II is a psychotherapist in private practice in Fort Collins, CO, who works from a holistic and integrative model. 970-420-9504